April 2023

Women as Victims of Sexual Violence in the Practice of Capture Marriages in Central Sumba
1Maureen Vinalia Plaikoil,2Mary Grace Megumi Maran,3Endang Sumiarni
1,2Students of Postgraduate Faculty of Law Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
3Lecturer Faculty of Law Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-48

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Sexual violence is a serious social and public health problem affecting the health of women (DeGue et al., 2013). Forced marriage is a form of sexual violence according to law number 12 of 2022 concerning criminal acts of sexual violence in Indonesia hereinafter referred to as the TPKS Law. This study aims to find out and examine the settlement of the practice of Capture Marriage based on the theory of gender equality. This research is an empirical legal research with a legal sociology approach. The results of the research show that in the process of resolving the Capture Marriage case, the community always chooses to resolve it according to custom, although there are some who report to the police, it does not run to completion but stops in the middle of the process. The Capture Marriage case itself shows that there is no gender equality due to the dominating patriarchal culture and the settlement process in Central Sumba is not in accordance with the theory of protection and law enforcement because law enforcement officials tend to ignore the interests of victims and are more subservient to custom.


Capture Marriage, Gender Equality, Sexual Violence.


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